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Virginia State Police Launch tip411 to Combat Human Trafficking

    Virginia State Police Image

    Virginia State Police (2,000 sworn officers) are highlighting the tip411 tool to their residents, urging them to provide anonymous tips to their Human Trafficking Investigative Unit to help prevent and investigate human trafficking in Virginia. 

    “The public plays a crucial role in helping state police identify both those perpetuating this crime and those being trafficked,” said Col. Gary T. Settle, Virginia State Police superintendent. “The free text and web tip sites give victims and the public a safe and secure way to report human trafficking. We especially want those being trafficked to come forward and use either of these tools to secure your freedom and safety. It is an opportunity for you to take back control of your life.”

    Information is essential to help law enforcement identify human trafficking and the illegal activities associated with this crime and the tip411 tool helps provide an anonymous way to connect with a live officer.

    The tip system is 100% anonymous, as the technology removes all identifying information before state police see the tips and there is no way to identify the sender. State police may follow up with a tipster via the app’s text messaging capabilities to obtain more details about the information given.

    The public can submit anonymous tips to the Virginia State Police by texting “VSP” and the tip information to 847411. 

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