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Rhode Island Prevention Coalition Partners with tip411 to Implement Anonymous Tip Tool

    East Bay Regional Coalition, based in eastern Rhode Island, recently partnered with the law enforcement to utilize tip411’s anonymous text-a-tip tool in three communities they serve. 

    “The text-a-tip line was one of the evidence-based practices we could implement as part of our grant which aims to reduce underage drinking,” said Steven Eiland, Partnership for Success Coordinator at EBRC. The initiative involves police departments in Bristol, Warren, and East Providence, RI.

    Through the use tip411, community members are able to submit tips via text or through an app. While police can to respond to tips with clarifying questions, these tips are kept completely anonymous.

    From the launch of the program to April 2022, nearly 1,200 tips were collected with 14% being directly related to alcohol or other substances. One tip led to the identification of someone who would receive orders via text and sell alcohol to underage youth, and another tip led to the identification of a marijuana dealer at a local high school. Additional tips led to an intervention in a suicide threat, the removal of a “ghost” gun, traffic reports regarding DUIs, and noise complaints which often pointed to locations where underage drinking occurred.

    “The police departments have shared with us how they feel it’s made a massive impact as far as community relations and making them feel more connected with the community members they serve. Overall, it’s been a fantastic tool and provides us with monthly data that keeps us up to date with what’s going on in the communities, and we look forward to seeing additional outcomes this upcoming year,” said Eiland.

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