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New Minnesota DNR Mobile App Helps People Protect Game and Fish Resources

    The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources encourages citizens to download the MNTip mobile app, developed by tip411, ahead of the Minnesota Fishing Opener on May 14. The MNTip app helps anglers, hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts take an active role in protecting the state’s game and fish resources.

    “The vast majority of people who recreate outdoors in Minnesota do things the right way, and they have that same expectation of other people,” said Col. Rodmen Smith, director of the DNR Enforcement Division. “This app adds to the many ways all people can help ensure future generations have the opportunity to enjoy the things we do today.”

    The app, which launched last fall, allows users to anonymously report potential game and fish violations from their cell phones. The free app is available for download via the Google Play or iTunes App stores.

    The app augments the highly successful Turn in Poachers hotline, which lets people report potential violations quickly and conveniently to DNR conservation officers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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