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Duluth Police Partners With Tip 411 to Help People Give Tips Anonymous

    The Duluth Police Department is partnering with tip 411, which will provide a way for the public to submit tips anonymously.

    The form is filled out online and asks questions like what happened, where it was seen, and a brief description.

    You can also attach videos and pictures when making your submission.

    “We don’t want any barriers. We want to remove all the barriers for people to communicate with us. It could just be a piece of information they want to share with us or it could be information about something they saw,” said Lt. Robin Roeser. “It could be the piece of information that turns us in the right direction.”

    Tips can be submitted on the Duluth Police website under “information and services” or by clicking here.

    Read the full story with video from Duluth PD from FOX21