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Anonymous tip line established for Ward County, North Dakota

    Members of the public can now communicate with the Ward County Sheriff’s Department anonymously with text messages through their new Tip411 tip line.

    Tips, reports, or messages can now be sent any time of day through text.

    Tips can be sent by messaging 847411, the keyword “NDWARD,” and then the information.

    You will receive a confirmation message when your tip is successfully admitted, and you can opt out of receiving replies at any time by responding “STOP.”

    The Tip411 system removes all identifying information so the tip remains anonymous.

    “It’s always good to stay in close contact with the community, and we rely on the community to solve a lot of crime, because we can’t be everywhere all the time and see everything and hear everything. We’ve actually already gotten some tips through it just in the last week,” said Capt. Jason Kraft, Ward County Sheriff’s Department.

    The tip line was provided by the North Dakota Department of Human Services.

    Kraft said every county in the state now has one through Tip411 for the next five years.

    Read the full story from KFYR TV