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Port Huron Police Department Launches New App for Anonymous Tips

    The Port Huron Police Department in Michigan recently launched tip411 as a replacement for their previous Tipsoft system after noting in their Annual Report that citizen online reported dropped significantly over the last few years.

    When asked about how the implementation of their new tip411 anonymous tip system has been going, Port Huron PD Captain Marcy Kuehn had this to say:

    “A thousand percent improvement over the system we did have… We probably get about a tip a day and just had someone send us video of an armed robbery that helped us solve it.” 

    Interested in learning more about tip411 and how it can help your department engage the public to help fight crime? Email to get in touch today. 

    Read the story below about Port Huron’s launch from WGRT:

    The Port Huron Police Department launched a new app available for free on the Google Play Store, iTunes App Store, or by visiting the Port Huron Police Department’s website at and clicking on the CAPTURE symbol.

    “The Port Huron Police Department responds to community needs through a combined strategy of preventative, proactive and reactive policing programs, said Chief Joseph Platzer. “This is a combined effort – not just with our officers, but with our residents as a whole, and I believe our new Port Huron PD app will help us work even more closely with the public to keep our community safe.” The new Port Huron PD app enables the public to share an anonymous tip with police and lets officers respond back to create an anonymous two-way conversation.

    “We’ve listened to feedback from partners like Port Huron Police and have built a more advanced and innovative product to help departments better engage their communities,” said tip411 President Terry Halsch. “The Port Huron PD app powered by tip411 will greatly improve the public’s access to help fight crime.” The Port Huron PD app and tip411 anonymous text a tip system are 100% anonymous, as the technology removes all identifying information before police see the tips and there is no way to identify the sender.

    Residents in Port Huron without a smartphone will still be able to share information with police by sending an anonymous text tip via their cell phone to police by texting keyword CAPTURE and their message/tip to 847411 (tip411). Anonymous web tips can also be submitted through the department’s website at and clicking on the CAPTURE symbol.