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Apply for Grant Funding to Bring tip411 to Your Community’s Schools

    $10,000,000 is currently up for grabs through a grant program to increase school safety and prevent school violence through the STOP School Violence Grant Program!  Specifically mentioned in the program description is the goal to:

    Develop and implement threat assessment and/or intervention teams to operate technology solutions such as anonymous reporting systems for threats of school violence, including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, and websites. These teams must coordinate with law enforcement agencies and school personnel.

    tip411 School Edition is uniquely positioned to satisfy this particular requirement and more. In fact, tip411 School Edition is the solution exclusively recommended by the Onondaga County, NY School Safety Task Force to help increase school safety.

    Please reach out to us immediately if you are interested in applying so that we can assist you to the best of our abilities. The application deadline is March 3rd, 2020 with an implementation date of October 1st, 2020.