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Interview with Rockland County, NY about their use of tip411

    tip411 interviewed Sergeant Earl Lorence of the Clarkstown, New York Police Department about his experience with tip411 at the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office.

    Q: Tell us about your community and the work of the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office (how many residents, how many sworn, your role between PD and DA’s Office, etc.).
    There are approximately 600 sworn law enforcement officers in Rockland County, NY.  There are approximately 325,000 residents in Rockland County. The RC DA and the 10 police departments and RC Sheriff’s Department work collaboratively to reduce, disrupt and prevent crime.

    Q: How did you hear about tip411?
    Yonkers PD / Westchester, NY implemented it years ago and we have been aware of the platform since that time.  We were looking for a way to engage our citizens

    Q: How is tip411 administered in your area (responsibilities, protocols, etc.)?
    As the tips come in, they are immediately disseminated to the agency representative that handles that jurisdiction.  They can then handle the tip the way that they see fit according to their agency guidelines.

    Q: How has tip411 aided the DA’s Office?
    It has brought several different law enforcement agencies to work together for the common good of the community.

    Q: Any notable tips/arrests credited to tip411 that come to mind?
     The platform was responsible for information leading to an arrest of a resident who had weapons and a large amount of drugs. The tipster only felt comfortable reaching out anonymously via the app and continued communicating, which helped us build the case and arrest the suspect.

    Q: What have you done to promote your tip411 system to make sure residents know about it and use it?
    We have been doing ‘free’ advertising on social media via each departments Facebook page and Twitter page.  In addition, we advertised in our local Sunday newspaper and digital advertising via their platform as well. 

    Q: Any advice for other agencies considering tip411?
    Have ‘buy-in’ from the top down or else it may impede the progress of getting the message out to the public.