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IACP 2018 Recap

    We want to thank the hundreds of departments who stopped by our booth at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Conference in Orlando early this month to discuss how tip411’s services can help enhance your agency’s community engagement efforts.

    Great discussions were had with representatives from agencies across the country and from around the world.

    IACP 2018 was a resounding success for tip411, and there has never been more interest in efficiently and effectively leveraging one of law enforcements’ most valuable resources – the people that live, work and visit your communities.

    Whether tip411 is deployed to fight in your community, protect students in schools, or both, our ability to provide customized smartphone apps,  two-way anonymous text tips, community alerting, social media publishing, and more can make a huge difference in connecting your department directly with the public.

    For those of you who may have missed us at IACP, or who are interest in learning more, we encourage you to click here to schedule a demonstration or give us a call at 888.952.2200.