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Submit a Tip Ayden Police Department

Ayden police now lets users anonymously submit tips online

    The Ayden Police Department now lets you submit a tip on Facebook. Users can go to the town’s Facebook page and click “Submit a Tip” on the left side of the page. This is part of a program called tip411 that Ayden is employing to help better inform the community of any crime alerts.

    Halloween Safety Tips

    Poughkeepsie PD Shares Halloween Tips for Parents

      In advance of Halloween, the City of Poughkeepsie Police Department in New York used their tip411 alerting capability to send an email and text message directly to residents with Halloween Safety Tips for Parents

      Hebron Schools Tips

      Hebron Schools awarded grant for tip411

        “Over half of our tips have included photos or screenshots of the issue being reported,” School Safety Director, Mike Grennes says. The photos and screenshots give administrators an advantage in determining how to track down and handle these concerns.